Why isn’t my website showing up in search results?
Morgan Gerstmar Morgan Gerstmar

Why isn’t my website showing up in search results?

Coming up in search results can take months even after you’ve worked with a web designer that has implemented SEO best practices. Often times you can hire an SEO expert to help speed up the process and bring your website to the top of desired search results. You can always schedule a consultation with me to discover what you could be doing to boost your SEO even after you have a completed website.

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Five tips for music teachers to grow web presence
Music Teachers, SEO, Web Design Morgan Gerstmar Music Teachers, SEO, Web Design Morgan Gerstmar

Five tips for music teachers to grow web presence

Being a violin teacher in a large city meant I was one of many vying for potential students. There are traditional forms of growing your studio, such as working for a music school, reaching out to local school teachers, placing flyers in strategic spots, asking for referrals, the list goes on! But more and more people, including the current generation of parents, are becoming digital natives that use Google to search for everything. If your traditional outlets for recruiting new students have fallen short, you may need to boost your marketing to the digital realm.

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